
Punk, Prog Rock & Metal

Rock music started to splinter into many different sub-genres during the seventies, giving us prog-rock, metal, and punk to name but a few. Although many of today’s bands have varied influences and styles, they basically fall into the rock category. Continuing on from bands like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd, shows and showmanship got bigger and grander. The stage settings became more and more excessive and a theatrical element crept into the genre during the 1980s including huge screens, pyrotechnics, ego ramps, high wire routines..! With the advent of grunge music in the 1990s suddenly rock made a slight return to its roots. These days rock bands incorporate a variety of influences, but many of the original characteristics of early rock and rock ‘n’ roll remain. 


Stylistic Traits Include; Extravagant image and musicality (Guitar Solos), Flamboyance and conviction in physicality, Wide Range, Wide use of registers
Lead vocal extends past gender convictions (higher pitched melody line, for example)
and Layered harmonies.

Technical Traits Include; Smooth Register Transitions, Use of bright Nasal Tone in Higher Register, Spoken parts for dramatic effect and conviction, Dynamic adjustment throughout to
compliment the energy of the piece, Fluctuation from dark to bright tonality to mimic extension of gender distinctions and to create dynamics.